The relationship between the budgetary position and the monetary system is a complex one, particularly in a small and open economy. 财政预算状况与货币制度的关系相当复杂,对一个小规模开放型经济体系来说,更是如此。
The more obvious case of overstretch in the 1980s was in fact the Soviet Union, which collapsed, while the US succeeded soon after in restoring its budgetary position under the Clinton presidency without a full-scale retreat from its international commitments. 在上世纪80年代,苏联才是过度扩张的更明显案例,后来它解体了,而美国在克林顿入主白宫后,很快恢复了正常的预算状况,而且没有从自己的国际承诺全线退缩。